
Showing posts from September, 2018

Not sure what I'm doing

I don't really know what I'm doing, don't really know how blogger works, but I just wanted a website that allows anyone to review anything and this was the closest I could get without learning web design :) Because let's face it, everyone's a critic, and what the fuck makes anyone of these so called "professional critics" more qualified than me to tell me what I will or will not enjoy? I hate critical reviews, hate them in general because of the politics thrust upon me, the tastes forced fed to me, and because I know what I fucking like but many times it seems "pro" critics do not. Now if there is such a website on the ether please direct me to it and I'll probably try it out; but for now, I think I'll write this blog here, whether or not someone reads my thoughts. Anyways the reason I started this blog is because I needed to review The Good Cop on Netflix, and firstly the episode I just watched, episode 4: Will the good cop bowl a